Monday, February 18, 2013

Several years ago, I was hunting with one of my cousins and we saw this monster. 
We estimated that he weighed about 300 pounds because our 200 pound scale bottomed out immediately. His tusks were about three inches long. This was and remains the biggest hog that we have killed on our ranch.

My dog wasn't too sure about this hog.

Its estimated that there are about two million hogs in Texas alone. I have seen what these animals can do and fully understand their capability. On our ranch, hogs have torn up several thousand dollars of roads, several times. Their quest for food means bumpy rides, twisted ankles and knees, and lost crops for people everywhere. My Granddad told me that when he was growing up (in the same area) that they almost never saw hogs. This just goes to show that in half a century, hogs have become a problem.  With sows being able to reproduce several times a year and having about ten piglets a litter, controlling the hog populations has become necessary. There are several methods of doing this: trapping, conventional hunting, and hunting with dogs. Some will attest to each, but all have margins for error. Many people have made a living on trapping and removing hogs from their areas. 

Here is another picture of my cousin with a hog that he killed. This hog was about 250 pounds. And look what gun he used! A civilian AR-15! They can be hunting rifles. Hunters everywhere have begun to use AR rifles as hunting rifles due to their reliability.

Feel free to comment or ask questions and please share!!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

A family friend sent me this video a few weeks ago and I couldn't believe it. I have never seen anything like this.

As the title of this blog suggests, this is about hunting. But not just about hunting; I'll be talking about shooting, guns, gun control, etc. But before I begin, I'll give a bit about myself. Currently I am a high school junior in Tyler, Texas. I've grown up hunting and love it. I hunt whitetail deer, hogs, and the occasional duck in East Texas. I love guns. And guns don't kill people, people kill people. I do agree that loopholes need to be closed, and I am not opposed to universal background checks. But if you believe that an "assault rifle" is unnecessary, then look up the difference between an civilian "assault rifle" and any other semi-automatic rifle. There is no difference between the two. I'll post pictures, videos (mine and others) of hunting, shooting, trapping, and other cool things I run across. 

Feel free to ask questions and please share this!!!!