Sunday, February 17, 2013

As the title of this blog suggests, this is about hunting. But not just about hunting; I'll be talking about shooting, guns, gun control, etc. But before I begin, I'll give a bit about myself. Currently I am a high school junior in Tyler, Texas. I've grown up hunting and love it. I hunt whitetail deer, hogs, and the occasional duck in East Texas. I love guns. And guns don't kill people, people kill people. I do agree that loopholes need to be closed, and I am not opposed to universal background checks. But if you believe that an "assault rifle" is unnecessary, then look up the difference between an civilian "assault rifle" and any other semi-automatic rifle. There is no difference between the two. I'll post pictures, videos (mine and others) of hunting, shooting, trapping, and other cool things I run across. 

Feel free to ask questions and please share this!!!!

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